Grant Requirements

OnTrack New York Coordinated Specialty Care Team Manuals

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Past Trainings

IDD 101

IDD 102

Human Trafficking 101 – Coalition Against Trafficking and Exploitation

This training will help increase awareness, knowledge, and skills to prevent and respond to human trafficking

Peer Supports- OnTrackNY

This 90 minute training discussed the role of peer specialist on young adult serving mental health teams, with a focus on the value and approach of peer staff and how to successfully integrate them into multidisciplinary settings. The trainers will cover the role of peer specialists on OnTrackNY teams and how to adapt those role responsibilities in any setting working with young adults. 

The Individual Placement and Support Model as an Evidence-Based Practice: Transition-Age Youth – Education and Employment Services- OnTrackNY

This presentation will focus on the Individual Placement and Support model of supported employment (IPS) as an evidence-based practice and how these services can be effective with a variety of populations to include transition age youth.  They will share how IPS has achieved national benchmark outcomes for young people who have experienced their first episode of psychosis. Trainees will learn about strategies and techniques that are working and, during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Whole Person Care:  Medical and Psychiatric Considerations When Working with Young Adults Who Have a Dual Diagnosis of Behavioral Health and Intellectual/Developmental Disability Diagnosis- Dr. Kristen Sohl and Dr. John Constantino

The attendee will understand that care and support is provided with the whole person in mind. They will lean how medical and psychiatric conditions effect transition age youth life experiences and their response to their environments. They will learn helpful tips and strategies to put into practice with young adults and their families

Trauma Informed Support for Individuals with Co-Occurring Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities/Developmental Disabilities (2-part series) Dr. Karyn Harvey

This series focused on trauma and the effects of trauma specific to people with intellectual disabilities. The second half will focus on how to work with these individuals therapeutically and will include involve case studies, videos, and demonstrations of mental health interventions.

Recovery Oriented Care When Working With Youth and Young Adults- OnTrackNY

For transition-age youth, understanding their own unique needs, obstacles, and mental health concerns is key to recovery. This webinar will identify the foundational components of recovery, explore common treatment obstacles for transition-age youth, and identify effective strategies and interventions for helping transition-age youth move forward in their recovery.

Family Work to Improve Outcomes for Youth and Young Adults- OnTrackNY

This training will focus on strategies to engage and involve family members in the treatment and recovery of young adults.  It will share tools that can be used to explore family involvement with young people, as well as strategies to engage family members using shared decision making. It will also provide an overview of different types of family interventions that your team can offer to young adult participants and families.

Shared Decision Making- OnTrackNY

During this training that focuses on Shared-Decision Making (SDM) with adolescents and young adults, trainers will review the background of SDM, identify key elements of SDM, and discuss steps for doing SDM including with use of decision aids. They will also discuss strategies to incorporate SDM in clinical practice, using case examples; and if time permits, they will also do a SDM practice group exercise. 

Cultural Responsiveness for Providers Working with Youth and Young Adults

This training will go over a comprehensive guidebook that was created in collaboration with Advocates for Youth, feedback from local youth/young adults and behavioral health providers. This guidebook will include a framework for learning about culture and culture components. Themes may include cultural humility and behavioral health stigma, racial disparities in health and behavioral health.