What is MO TAY-LER?

The purpose of the Missouri Transition-Aged Youth Local Engagement and Recovery (MO TAY-LER) project is to improve access to treatment and support services for transition aged youth (TAY) with serious mental disorders. The Missouri Department of Mental Health (DMH) demonstrates a history of identifying initiatives to address the needs of TAY. DMH’s partner for MO TAY- LER, Behavioral Health Network (BHN), is an integral, experienced leader in the St. Louis Region. Three Community Mental Health Centers (CMHCs) with significant and relevant experience have also been engaged in the planning and implementation of this project: BJC Behavioral Health, Compass Health Network, and Places for People. As such, MO TAY-LER builds on existing and previous efforts and strengths to support TAY linkages to refine services and support transition to adulthood and recovery.

What are the goals of MO TAY-LER?

  • Goal 1: Improve access to care for BH services by enhancing outreach strategies, improving inter-agency communication, and improving service coordination.
  • Goal 2: Create a more effective approach for service delivery by implementing specialized, developmentally appropriate, and culturally competent services to support transition from youth to adult services, in accordance with the Coordinated Specialty Care (CSC) model.
  • Goal 3: Develop advocacy agendas and strategies that can be used by service sectors involved in TAY services to secure funding and policies to meet this population’s service needs.

Who are the partners of MO TAY-LER?

  • Missouri Department of Mental Health (DMH) (grantee)
  • Behavioral Health Network of Greater St. Louis (BHN) (grant management)
  • Missouri Institute of Mental Health (MIMH) (evaluator)
  • Behavioral Health Response (BHR) (referring agencies)
  • BJC Behavioral Health (service provider, St. Louis County)
  • Compass Health Network (service provider, St. Charles County)
  • Places for People (service provider, St. Louis City)

What are the enrollment criteria for MO TAY-LER? (PDF)

Clients are Transition Age Youth (TAY; age 16-25); referred from YERE, ERE, or HCL or present at Open Access at one of the 3 provider agencies; have one or more presentation at hospital OR involvement with justice system OR experiencing homelessness in past month; have a CPR-eligible diagnosis and existing DLA score at or below 55 (note: current CPR enrollment threshold for youth & young adults is 50).